Protected sites

Natura 2000

The Natura 2000 (N2000 or N2K) network was established in 1992 to designate nature protection areas in the territory of the European Union. On land it consists of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) designated by the Habitats and Birds Directives. In total over 26,900 N2000 sites represent around 18 percent of land of the EU countries.

Monitoring capbilities


Copernicus is the European programme for monitoring the Earth from space. Data is collected by different sources, including a fleet of satellites and in-situ sensors and made freely and openly available. The constellation of Sentinel satellites represents the most powerful and capable environmental monitoring system developed to date. The data is also processed to provides reliable and up-to-date information products to support user and downstream services.  


Delivering actionable information

To maintain and improve the N2000 network it is necessary to monitor and report on the habitats and species present in each of the sites. The Copernicus land theme provides a range of products including some directly related to N2000 sites and grasslands. However, for effective management and to address pressures easy access to temporally detailed information and indicators is required. 

Service overview

The previous project developed a prototype version of EU Grassland Watch to support the monitoring and management of N2000 site with a focus on grasslands and thereby assess the health of protected areas / ecosystems through time. The Copernicus programme will provide valuable resources for mapping and monitoring the sites through existing ready to use service products and operational Earth Observation (EO) image acquisitions. The results of the analysis processes will be exposed to users through a user-friendly and intuitive webtool to support their reporting and management needs at a range of scales from the pan-European to site levels.

The pages below provide more detail on the operation of the service, the webtool and use cases.

Project Team

The project team has been awarded a service contract from the European Commission. 


space4environment sàrl
48, rue Gabriel Lippmann
L-6947 Niederanven



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